Von Lilienfeld - special umbrellas for all situations.
An umbrella is so much more than a practical everyday helper. It is a fashion accessory, a statement, a companion and a sign of your good taste. With a little care, a quality umbrella will last a lifetime. For all lovers of noble, unique and high-quality accessories, an exquisite umbrella is a must. Von Lilienfeld as a dealer and manufacturer of quality umbrellas continues the old craft of umbrella making. The weather-beaten North Sea island of Sylt inspires Maren von Lilienfeld again and again to new creations.
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Von Lilienfeld - Your specialist retailer for unusual umbrellas and accessories.
Cosmopolitan and pragmatic - these are the qualities that Von Lilienfeld umbrellas combine in unique designs that inspire. This means that gloomy thoughts do not arise in the first place. In our online shop you will find stylish companions for all situations.
Stylish companions for all occasions.
Maren von Lilienfeld
The creation of unusual and special umbrellas is my passion.
Siegmar von Lilienfeld
I live my vision. Every day is dedicated to working on high-quality and unique products.

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We love umbrellas
That's what we stand for with our name.